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  • Cronfunds
    0.6% daily 10 days - Principal Return
  • Sep 20th, 2024
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  1. NewBond →Yesterday Hits: 29 Hosts: 29
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  • Sep 27th, 2024
  • Very Good
    Hourlysoo Ltd 9.9

    Instant Payment! Transaction ID: 2575807 Date of transaction: 27.09.2024 19:36 Sender's account: ePayCore E050647 Amount: 0.45 USD Note: Withdraw to edpr2140 from

  • Very Good
    Trust-FX 10.0

    Payment Received

  • Very Good
    DividendGrowth.Online 10.0

    Payment Received

  • Very Good
    HourlyWoo 10.0

    Transaction ID: 2575627 Date of transaction: 27.09.2024 12:45 From: ePayCore E055810 Amount: 1.86 USD Note: Withdraw to edpr2140 from

  • Very Good
    Super Crypto Deposit 10.0

    Instant Payment! Transaction ID: 2575621 Date of transaction: 27.09.2024 12:18 Payment system: ePayCore E053452 Amount: 1 USD Note: Withdraw to edpr2140 from

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Partners - your guide in hyip world
Investment Plans: 3% daily for 30 Days; 4% daily for 25 Days (Deposit Return)
ROI: 0%
Not Paying
Our Invetment: $50.00
Referral: 5% - 2% - 1%
Withdrawal: Manual
Min/Max: $20 /No Limit
Last Payout: No Payouts
Our Rating: 0 / 5 Rating
Monitor Since: Jun 23rd, 2024
Online Days: 26 days
Monitored: 1 days
Vote: 0 0 0 0
Features: SSL-Security DDOS-Protected Custom-Script
Accept: AccountBalance ePayCore Bitcoin Litecoin Dogecoin Ethereum USDT_ERC20 USDT_TRC20 USDT_BEP20 Tron BinanceCoin(BNB) USDC
Beck Assets is a dynamically developing trading company whose business model is based on crowdfunding-based investments. Thanks to our expertise and experience, we operate extremely successfully in the cryptocurrency, NFT and stock markets. In the past period, we worked exclusively with large investors through our offline platform, and these relationships were of fundamental importance to our company, as they allowed us to be outstandingly successful in the industry. However, in February 2024, we saw the time to move on and expand our investment opportunities in the online space as well. With this, we create an opportunity to reach interested parties and investors even more widely. The aim of our online expansion is to reach investors who previously could not participate in the opportunities offered by Beck Assets and to make our investment platform and services even easier and faster for them to access. At the same time, however, we continue to maintain the high-quality investment opportunities and services for which our clients have chosen us.
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